
At MbX, we're obsessed with bikes, just like you!

自1989年創立以來,MbX 一直受到專業和業餘的運動員和隊伍們的支持肯定。以樸實的價格為消費者帶來最嚴選的材質,這一直是我們的最初經營信念。如今,這個承諾始終跟隨著我們,並且不斷提升。

MbX 產品的熱銷、品牌認同與持續進步的動能來自於顧客在運動界同好間的推薦、經銷商介紹與消費者意見回饋的結晶。經由顧客表達其個人化不同層面的經驗,這些寶貴的意見督促著我們面對挑戰,不斷提升 MbX 體驗。與其他競爭者不同的地方是,在忠實顧客與製造廠商密切的互動下,提供我們在布料專業知識的同時,致力顧客對於產品想法的實現。

MbX 所有產品細節皆經過 ACOTEX® 布料品牌最嚴格的布料驗證技術把關。我們承諾將完成品在最好的品質下交到您的手中,確保在體驗的過程中安心舒適。在確保目前擁有的產品品質同時,開發新產品也是我們的任務之一,帶給顧客們更全面性的 MbX 體驗。

(了解更多 ACOTEX® 布料驗證技術 )

Founded in 1989, MbX has always focused on the challenge ourselves. While we have provided sports wear for professional and amateur athletes and teams, our true focus has been on providing quality sports wear at prices that can be afforded.

MbX is a brand for professional sports wear. Over the past 10 years, we've built solid relationships with sports apparel factories and work with many sports brand all over the world. We work with these fabrics with our specialized knowledge to make the products how we and our customers want them, rather than just accepting stock designs like most of the companies do.

Mos of our materials are certified by ACOTEX® Fabrics. This means that when you receive the product, every single detail of the manufacturing process has been approved and verified by ACOTEX® Fabrics. (To learn more about ACOTEX® Fabric Technology)

We only offer products that we can make better than the competitors or as good but reasonable price. This is why we do not have wide product selections. Instead, we focus on the little things that make your apparel look and feel nearly perfect on you. However, we hope to expand our product selections in the future to give customers more comprehensive experience.